Frequently Asked Questions

INFAMA Lady, Rescue24, Yellow , Blue, Family and Insure Assist - membership is vehicle based and services will be offered to registered vehicle(s) only. If your friends or family use the car they too are covered for Road Rescue only in the event they require assistance. Medical Emergency Rescue applies to the principal member only. Gold and Silver Membership - Personal Membership • Services are available to member(s) only on presentation of Membership photo card. • Membership is personal and services are offered to the member(s) while driving or traveling as a passenger in any vehicle up to 2.5 tons excluding P.S.V and general cartage vehicles.
Cover commences 48 hours after the first initial payment is paid in full and membership form and direct debit form are completed and duly signed. If payment is made on Saturday, membership will be activated within 48 Hours
Simply call the 24-hour help line and INFAMA Response Managers will begin the rescue process, after confirming validity of membership details, the Response Manager will confirm the exact location of your vehicle and will dispatch a Road rescue vehicle to the scene as is required.
The average call out time is between 15 and 20 minutes, depending on the location of the member from the Central Business district and movement of traffic at that time.
No. The Response Team only changes your tyre but in cases where the spare wheel also has a problem we will arrange to take it for repairs at the member’s cost.
The INFAMA Response Team will purchase fuel at the member’s cost and does not replace the battery; instead the member will be referred to a dealer i.e. Chloride Exide for purchase at a members’ discount.
INFAMA only facilitates service but payment is discussed between member and the third party agent.
No. If membership has lapsed one can only be assisted if renewal is effected.
Neither repairs nor replacement of parts can be done at the scene but instead the member will be requested to seek garage attention.
INFAMA does not pay fines neither do they represent the member in a court of law.
By writing to the Customer Service Department via fax, email or letter. A replacement card will be issued within 7 working days at a cost of Kshs. 300/- Email : [email protected]
By communicating to the Customer Service Department via fax, email or letter .
INFAMA will link to third party provider at the client’s cost

Motor insurance protects you against financial loss in the event that your motor vehicle is involved in an accident, burnt or stolen. It also covers third party liabilities
Yes, the Traffic Act requires all motor vehicles to be insured against third party risks. The Act also requires a vehicle owner to display a motor insurance certificate on the windscreen.
a. Third Party This type of policy covers the third party against bodily injury and property damage arising out of use of motor vehicle. b. Third party Fire & Theft cover covers the third party against bodily injury and property damage as well as the fire and theft against the motor vehicle. c. Comprehensive cover It covers loss of or damage to the Insured’s motor vehicle arising from accidental damage, fire, theft malicious damage as well as third party bodily or property damage
Excess is the first amount of the claim which the insured has to bear.
With an excess, the insured would tend to be more careful because if a claim occurs, the insured also has to be out of pocket and contribute towards the claim.
Excess is not payable where there is a blamed party and it is clearly indicated in the police abstract. Though you may not be to blame for an accident you will still pay excess in the event of the following scenarios:- 1. Hit and run. 2. The case is pending investigation. 3. Case referred to the insurance company to deal with.
Excess protector exempts you from paying excess in the event of an accident which will be undertaken by the insurance company i.e any accident above the excess limit.
If the sum insured is less than the market value at the time of loss, then condition of average will apply.
If at the time of loss, the sum insured is less than the market value, the claim amount payable shall be reduced proportionately as the sum insured bears to the market value.
You will need to cancel the policy by returning the insurance sticker, once returned refund cheque will be prepared. Alternatively you can transfer the credit owed to a new vehicle.
YThe insurance certificate will be invalid immediately the vehicle has been sold to another person. The new owner will need to take up a new insurance cover for the vehicle.
You will need to cancel the policy by returning the insurance sticker, once returned refund cheque will be prepared. Alternatively you can transfer the credit owed to a new vehicle.
Comprehensive insurance policy is better as it provides both third party coverage and damages/loss to one's own vehicle, co-passengers or self.
Legal liability covers the legal compensation that might have to be paid if a third party files any case against the driver for damage, loss, or fire.
Motor Insurance does not cover consequential loss, damages below excess, depreciation, wears and tears, mechanical and electrical breakdown, war perils, drunken driving or vehicle driven by unauthorized drivers. The insurance also does not cover damages for vehicles used outside the geographical area. Any other exclusions are state in the policy document
Yes there is a free windscreen cover in your comprehensive motor insurance cover.
It is important to report a claim when it occurs no matter how minor the damages are so as to safeguard yourself in case the third party decides to sue you for damages. Ensure that you report all accidents including those that are self involving. Without a police abstract report the insurer cannot take up the claim.
The police abstract is what the insurer will use to ascertain that the accident did indeed occur
Yes you can by cancelling insurance for the vehicle that has been sold and transferring the premium refund to the new vehicle this is called substitution.
A windscreen claim is reported by filling in the windscreen claim form and attaching photos of the cracked windscreen
Insurance is a cash and carry service, however you can pay for your insurance premium in two installments the first payment as a current payment and the second as a postdated cheque.
You will be required to complete the payment before the claim is submitted to the insurer.
This covers any emergency expenses incurred by the insured during an accident and can be compensated upon presentation of the receipts up to the limits stipulated on the policy.
If you are travelling within east Africa i.e Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe you will be required to purchase the COMESA yellow card. It covers third-party liabilities and medical expenses for the driver of the vehicle and his passengers should they suffer any bodily injury as a result of an accident to an insured vehicle and facilitates crossing of the border.
No. The side mirrors are only covered if damaged during an accident but are not covered if damaged on their own.
When you have your vehicle valued you are able to insure the vehicle at the correct value and incase of an accident the insurer will compensate you according to the amount the vehicle was valued at.
It takes three working days after the date of inspection to get your valuation report.
It is advisable that you pay a top up premium so that the vehicle can be insured at the correct value, if you do not wish to pay the top up premium then you can sign an indemnity letter which states that you have insured the vehicle at an agreed value.
We can send you your insurance sticker by G4S or you can collect the cover from the insurer if they have an office in your town.
Yes you can easily make your payment through Mpesa Paybill number 822430 account number is your vehicle registration number.
Insurance premium financing involves the lending of funds to a person or company to cover the cost of an insurance premium. This will attract an interest and is payable in 2 to 10 installments.
You can increase the value your windscreen has been insured for by paying an extra premium which is calculated as 10% of the cost of the windscreen.
You are only entitled to replace your windscreen once within the period covered, it is important to pay an additional amount once the windscreen is damaged to reinstate the cover so that incase the windscreen is damaged again within the same cover period the cost is covered by the insurer.
If you reinstate your excess protector cover after it is utilized you will not pay excess in case your vehicle is involved in another accident within the same policy period.
Yes. The vehicle cannot be assessed unless it is in a garage.
This will ensure that the warranty on the vehicle is maintained and will also ensure that the parts fitted on the vehicle are new.
This is an extra benefit covered under comprehensive insurance where a replacement vehicle is given to you to use when your vehicle is garaged following an accident.
TThe benefit is charged at an extra fee for a specific number of days. It is important to confirm that the cover has been included when taking up cover.

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